Ashcraft Aero Works
Plans, Parts, Kits, and Designs for Homebuilt Aircraft
AAW supplies the following, and more.  Call or email us with your special requirements and projects.
  1. Builder's Manuals
    Builder's Manuals
    We digitized the original DR-109 Builder's Manuals, giving builders the ability to carry them anywhere and replace any pages that get ruined in the shop.
  2. Plans
    Beginning with the DR-109, we've redrawn the entire airplane to provide the builder choices of which parts to fabricate, or purchase.
  3. Complete Airplanes
    Complete Airplanes
    AAW can help you finish your project, or build you an airplane from scratch. Since the 1990's, we've focused on the DR-107 and -109, Pitts, and our own designs.
  4. Parts & Kits
    Parts & Kits
    AAW does wood, sheet metal, machined parts, weldments, composites--we supply it all. Our vendors provide the items we don't fabricate locally.
  5. Repairs
    If the worst happens, let AAW fix it. We can repair anything on your airplane, with access to local certified professionals who know and love aerobatic aircraft.
  6. Engineering
    AAW does aircraft parts design, from brackets to full up airplanes. We have the tools and experience for your concept.
